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General Estimation Theory



© Lev Gelimson
© レフGelimson



Second Edition (2001)


The “Collegium” International Academy of Sciences Publishers



First Edition (2000)



Urgent scientific and life problems demand development of modern estimation methods [1, 2]. The concept of approximate solutions does not cover inexact pseudo-solutions. Absolute errors are not invariant measures of accuracy. Relative errors are used only for equalities of exact values to their approximations and become indefinite and inadequate if the ratio of the sides of the equality is not close to 1.
緊急の科学的なおよび生命問題は、最新の評価方法[1、2]の開発を要求します。およその解決の概念は、不正確な偽解決をカバーしません。絶対のエラーは、正確さの不変の計測でありません。平等の側の比率が約1でないならば、相対的なエラーが彼らの近いものに正確な価値の equalitiesだけのために使われて、明確でなくて不十分になります。

Estimation methods must be based on the intercommunicated concepts of sets and numbers. But the Cantor's concept [3, 4] of sets ignores multiplicities of their elements, identifies essentially different sets, and gives indefinite numbers of elements and other functions of sets especially if they involve closely spaced elements not exactly known, although the multiplicities of solutions of polynomials are used in algebra. So it is necessary to consider generalized sets with taking the multiplicities of their elements into account. And the known numbers are insufficient to construct sensitive estimations and need their replenishment.

Let ν: x νx be a numerical function (functional), whose domain of definition includes all sets of some type, whose values are some generalized numbers of the elements of sets, and which satisfies the following basic axioms:
nとしてください: x nxは明確さの領域が若干のタイプの全セットを含む数の機能(機能的な)です。そして、価値はセットの若干の分化していない数の要素で、そして、以下の基本的な原理を満たす:

1) if a set x consists of one element only, νx = 1;
1)セットされたxが1から成るならば、要素、nx = 1だけ;

2) the estimation function ν is quite additive:
2)評価機能n 非常に添加物です:

ναΑ Gα = αΑ νGα

where Gα – any generalized set indexed by α in Cantor set Α having any cardinality.
そこでGa – 流行のカントールによってインデックスを付けられるどんな分化していないセットでも、どんな基数でも持っているAをセットしました。

It can be rigorously proved that for the empty set ,

ν = 0,

for any finite set,

ν{a1, a2, ... , an} = n,

and for any set if one element is added to or is withdrawn from x, νx is increased or decreased by 1, respectively. This is known only for finite sets because it is considered that any cardinality is absorbed by a greater infinite one although it is not true for ordinal numbers [3, 4]. In particular, if N is the Cantor set of all the natural numbers (positive integers) and it is designated that νN = N,
そして、1つの要素が増されるか、xから引っ込められるならば、どんなセットのためにでも、それぞれ、nxは1時までに増減されます。それが序数詞[3、 4]にとって真実でないがどんな基数でもより偉大な無限の人に夢中であると考えられるので、これは有限セットだけで知られています。特に、Nがすべての自然数(正整数)とそれの配置されるカントールであるかどうかは、そのnN = \Nと称されます、

N + 1 > N.

If N' is some subset of N and there exists such a (fractional) number μN and such infinite subseries nk in N that for every k
N ならば』、いくつかがNのサブセットです、そして、そのような(わずかな)数mNが、存在する』とてもあらゆるkのためのNでその他無限の subseries nk

ν(N' { 1, 2, ... , nk}) = μN’ nk

then N' is called fractionally numerable and it is designated that νN’ = μN’N.

If N' is the former and N'' is such a subset of N that the both differences N'' \ N' and N' \ N'' [3, 4] are finite, N'' is called finitely fractionally numerable and it is designated that
Nならば』、前者とNである」Nのそのようなサブセットが、それである両方の違いN」\ N』とN』\ N」[3、4]は、定形です、N」わずかに数えられて制限的に言います、そして、それがそれと称されます

νN’’ = νN’+ ν(N’’ \ N’) - ν(N’ \ N’’).

(But there also exist other types of subsets of N, for example,

{11, 12, ... , 100, 1001, 1002, ... , 10000, ... , 102n-l + l, 102n-l + 2, ... , 102n, ...}).

Let us then designate


1/N = 0+,

0 - 0+ = 0-,

(0+)ρ = 0ρ+,

r + 0ρ+ = rρ+,

r - 0ρ+ = rρ-

where ρ > 0, r – usual real numbers or infinities.
そこでr > 0、r – 普通の実数または無限。

So every real number (or infinity) represents the infinite set of generalized real numbers (R+ is the set of such positive numbers)

[ρ∈R+ rρ-] {r} [ρ∈R+ rρ+],

which is intuitively used in limits and improper integrals and allows to obtain sensitive estimations having some parameters (for example, weights) 0+ instead of 0. Besides that, only such generalized numbers provide expressing probability densities and distribution functions in uniform distributions over sets of infinite measures. And such distribution functions can be depicted not in Euclidean but Lobachevskian geometry that is therefore connected with probability theory by the theory of generalized numbers.

The least upper and the greatest lower bounds [5] on any ordered set M are still less sensitive for estimation than the known sets and numbers. So it is necessary to introduce some generalized bounds.

The generalized least upper bound sup M is the generalized set of the usual least upper bounds on generalized subsets of M reduced from above and is numerically equal to the usual sup M.

The generalized greatest lower bound inf M is the generalized set of the usual greatest lower bounds on generalized subsets of M reduced from below and is numerically equal to the usual inf M.
分化していない下限inf Mは、下から減らされるMの分化していないサブセットの普通の下限の分化していないセットで、普通のinf Mと数値的に等しいです。

All these generalizations have a deep analogy and allow to propose some effective estimation methods.

The method [6] to determine the hypererror
hypererror を決定する方法[6]

δ = |a b| / (|a| + |b|)

of a formal (true or false) numerica1 equality a =? b can be naturally generalized to any functional equality or equation in some linear normed space and to such combined equalities or equations. Let us consider the equation
形式的(本当であるか間違った)numerica1平等の=?bは、若干の線形ノルム空間のどんな機能的な平等または方程式にでも、そして、そのような合同の equalitiesまたは方程式に自然に一般化されることができます。方程式を考慮しよう

Lλ[φ∈Φ fφ[ω∈Ω zω]] = 0 (λ∈Λ) (1)


Lλ – a given operator having an index λ from a set Λ;
– インデックスがある所定のオペレーター l セットされたLから;

fφ – an unknown desired function having an index φ from a set Φ;
fφ – 未知数は、セットされたFからインデックスjを持っている機能を希望しました;

zω – an independent variable having an index ω from a set Ω;
zω – セットされたWからインデックスwを持っている独立変数;

[ω∈Ω zω] – a set of indexed elements.
[ω∈Ω zω] – 一組のインデックスを付けられた要素。

The local hypererror may be defined by the formula

δλ[ω∈Ω zω] =

αλ ||Lλ’[ω∈Ω zω]||λ /

(||Lλ’[ω∈Ω zω]||λ + aλ ||Lλ“[ω∈Ω zω]||λ) +

βλ ||Lλ’[ω∈Ω zω||λ /

(|||Lλ’[ω∈Ω zω]|||λ + bl |||Lλ“[ω∈Ω zω]|||λ) +

γλ ||Ll’[ω∈Ω zω]||λ /

(sup ||Lλ’[ω∈Ω zω]||λ + gλ sup ||Lλ“[ω∈Ω zω]||λ)



αλ , βλ , γλ – generalized positive numbers, their sum be equal to 1;
αλ , βλ , γλ – 正数を一般化します、彼らの金額は、1と等しいです;

αλ , βλ , γλ – generalized positive numbers;
αλ , βλ , γλ – 分化していない正数;

Lλ’[ω∈Ω zω] – the left-hand side of (1) as a direct (not composite) function of the independent variables;
Lλ’[ω∈Ω zω] – 独立変数のダイレクト(合成でない)機能としての(1)の左側;

the both sup are taken in the domain of definition zl of the equation;

||Lλ’[ω∈Ω zω]|||λ – the usual least upper bound on the norm of ||Lλ’[ω∈Ω zω]||λ when all possibly different isometric (conserving the norms) transformations even of equal elements in Lλ’[ω∈Ω zω] are considered;
||Lλ’[ω∈Ω zω]|||λ – 載って基準を結びつけられる普通の最少の高い方の部分 |Ll'[w W zw]の等しい要素のさえすべてのなんとかして異なる等尺性(基準を節約する)変化が考慮される|Ll'[w W zw]||l;

Lλ“[ω∈Ω zω] – some function that is chosen (together with αλ, βλ, γλ ,  αλ, βλ, γλ) by the principle of tolerable simplicity [6, 7] so that the estimation (2) is the most sensitive one over the set of the classes of the functions fφ under consideration, i.e., the difference sup δinf δ has the greatest value.
Lλ“[ω∈Ω zω] – すなわち、評価(2)が考慮中の機能fjのクラスのセットの上に最も敏感なものであるように、許容できる単純さ[6、7]の原則によって選ばれる(al、 bl、gl、al、bl、glと共に)機能違いが、dをすすります – inf dは、最も大きな価値を持ちます。

Similar estimations can be proposed for other relations, too. If in (1), the equality sign is replaced by inequality one, let δλ[ω∈Ω zω] = 0 if the inequation is true, and let us use the formula (2) otherwise. For the generalized comparison
類似した評価は、他の関係のためにも提案されることができます。(1)でならば、平等徴候が不平等1と取り替えられて、ますdl[w W zw]、不等式によって真実で、我々はさもなければ公式(2)を使うことができたならば= 0。分化していない比較のために

a b (mod d) (i.e., (a b)/d is an integer)
b(流行の最先端のd)(すなわち、( – b)/dはそうです整数)

where a, b, d – complex numbers (d 0),
どこで、b(d) – 複素数(d 0)、

the hypererror may be given by the formula

δ = min({|ab| / |d|}, 1 – {|ab| / |d|})

where {x} – the fractional part of a real number x.
どこで{x} – 本当のナンバーxのわずかな部分。

Any pseudo-solution

[φ∈Φ fφ[ω∈Ω zω]]

to the equation (1) transforms it into equality (1) is also estimated by the formula (2).

Generally, a hypererror is some functional

δ: U [0, 1] (u U = E I)


U – a domain for estimation;
U – 評価のための領域;

E – the subdomain containing all the exact objects;
E – すべての正確な物を含んでいるサブドメイン;

I – the subdomain containing all the inexact objects,
私 – すべての不正確な物を含んでいるサブドメイン、

which satisfies some basic axioms:

1) for every e E, δ(e) = 0;
1)あらゆるeのために E、d‖(e)= 0;

2) there exists an i I such that δ(i) = 1.
2)iが存在します私は、そのようなそのd(i) = 1です。

The simplest (but insensitive) estimation is locally logical:

δ(u) = 0 if u E,
d(u) = 0もしもu E、

δ(u) = 1 if u I.
d(u I.ならばu) = 1

So its sum with the probability, that an object to be estimated is exact, is identically equal to 1.

The domain average power weighted hypererror in the λth relation can be defined as

δλ(m(λ)) = (lim ((δλ[ω∈Ω zω])m(λ)pλ[ω∈Ω zω]dV(zλ’)/

pλ[ω∈Ω zω]dV(zl’)))1/m(λ)

(zλ’ → zλ)


zλ – the domain of definition of the λth relation;
– 第lの関係の明確さの領域;

zλ– domain's approximations that have finite measures V(zλ’) and are domains of definition for the both integrals;
有限処置V を持っているzl』領域の近いもの(zl』)、そして、明確さの領域は、両方の全体のためです;

pλ[ω∈Ω zω] – a weight;
pλ[ω∈Ω zω] – 重さ;

m(λ) – a positive number possibly depending on λ.
m(λ) – おそらくlに依存している正数。

The domain average power weighted hypererror of a pseudo-solution to the combined relations may be defined as

δΛ(n(Λ)) = (λ∈Λ(δλ(m(λ))n(Λ)pλ’/λ∈Λ pλ’)1/n(Λ)

dL(n(L))は、=です(l L(dl(m(l))n(L)pl』/l L pl)1/n(L)


Λ – the set of indices λ, which has the cardinality c(Λ);

n(Λ) – a positive number whose value may be 1, 2, c(Λ), etc.;
n(Λ) – 価値が1、2、c(Λ)、その他であるかもしれない正数;

pλ’ – a weight,
pλ– 重さ、

or as

δΛ = supλ∈Λ δλ(m(λ)).

For instance, let two pseudo-solutions to some combined four relations have the partial hypererrors

1, 1, 1, 0;

1, 0, 0, 0,

respectively. Their Cantor sets are identical and equal to {1, 0} (and are indefinite at all if their elements are inexact, which often happens), but it is intuitively obvious that the second pseudo-solution is much more precise than the first one. So let us consider just the generalized sets

Δ1 = {1, 1, 1, 0}; Δ2 = {1, 0, 0, 0} (3)

where the multiplicities of elements are included. But sup Δ1 = sup Δ2 = 1, so it is necessary to determine just the generalized least upper bounds. The generalized subsets reduced from above are
要素の多様性が含まれるところ。しかし、D1 =がD2 = 1をすすることをすすりなさいので、それはまさに全身性最小上界を決定するのに必要です。上記から減らされる分化していないサブセットは、そうです

{1, 1, 1, 0};

{1, 1, 0};

{1, 0};



{1, 0, 0, 0};

{0, 0, 0};

{0, 0};


Their sets of least upper bounds coincide with the sets (3) themselves in such a case. The minimally reduced from above subsets having different usual least upper bounds 1 and 0 are {1, 1, 0} and {0, 0, 0}. So sup Δ1 > sup Δ2 and the second pseudo-solution is estimated by δΛ (for δΛ(n(Λ)) it is obvious) better than the first one as required.
最小上界の彼らのセットは、そのような場合セット(3)自体と同時です。最小限に異なる普通の最小上界1と0がある上記のサブセットから減らすものは、そうです{1、1、0}、そして、{0、0、0}。それで、D1をすすってください > D2をすすってください、そして、第2の偽解決は必要に応じて、最初のものよりよく、dL(dL(n(L))のために、それは明らかです)によって推定されます。

In particular, such methods for estimating hypererrors provide many new methods to sum up divergent series [8, 9] iN ai by obtaining constant A that ensures:
特に、 hypererrorsを推定するそのような方法は、それが確実にする恒常的なAを得ることによって互いに異なる直列[8、9]i Nミツユビナマケモノを要約するために、多くの新しい方法を提供します:

infA supn || A – (a1 + a2 + … + an )|| / (1 + || A – (a1 + a2 + … + an )||);
infA supn || A – (a1 + a2 +…+)|| /(1 + || A – (a1 + a2 +…+)||);

infA limn®¥ || A – (a1 + a2 + … + an )|| / (1 + || A – (a1 + a2 + … + an )||);
infAは、\を描きます || A – (a1 + a2 +…+)|| /(1 + || A – (a1 + a2 +…+)||);

infA limn®¥ || A – (a1 + a2 + … + an )|| / (1 + || A – (a1 + a2 + … + an )||)
infAは、\を描きます || A – (a1 + a2 +…+)|| /(1 + || A – (a1 + a2 +…+)||)

where lim – the upper limit;
そこでlim – 上限;

infA supn (n-1ni=1 (|| Ani=1 ai || / (1 + || Ani=1 ai ||))q(n))1/q(n);
infA supn(n-1 ni=1(|| A– åni=1ミツユビナマケモノ || /(1 + || A– åni=1ミツユビナマケモノ ||))q(n))1/q(n);

infA limn(n-1ni=1 (|| Ani=1 ai || / (1 + || Ani=1 ai ||))q(n))1/q(n);
infA は、\(n-1 ni=1を描きます(|| A– åni=1ミツユビナマケモノ || /(1 + || A– åni=1ミツユビナマケモノ ||))q(n))1/q(n);

infA limn(n-1ni=1 (|| Ani=1 ai || / (1 + || Ani=1 ai ||))q(n))1/q(n)
infA は、\(n-1 ni=1を描きます(|| A– åni=1ミツユビナマケモノ || /(1 + || A– åni=1ミツユビナマケモノ ||))q(n))1/q(n)

where q(n) – a positive function of n, which can be, in particular, n itself or a constant q.
そこでq(n) – nの陽機能、そしてそれは、特に、n自体または恒常的なqでありえます。

But hypererrors can be sensitive in principle to inexact pseudo-solutions and not toexact solutions that have different reliabilities, especially if they and relations themselves are inexactly known. For instance,

x1 = 1 + 10-10, x2 = 1 + 1010

are exact solutions to the inequality x > 1, but x1 is practically dubious and x2 is guaranteed. So it is necessary to introduce some concept of a reserve
不平等の正確な解決は、xです > 1はx1以外のほとんど疑わしいです、そして、x2は保証されます。それが蓄えの若干の概念を持ち出すのに必要であるように、

R: U [–1, 1]

whose values satisfy the following basic axioms:

1) for every i I, R(i) = – δ(i) [–1, 0];
1)あらゆるiのために私、R(i) = – δ(私) [1、0];

2) for every e E, R(e) [0, 1];
2)あらゆるeのために E、R(e) [0、1];

3) there exist such an i I and an e E that R(i) = –1 and R(e) = 1.
3)そのようなiが存在します私とe E そのR(i) = 1とR(e) = 1。

For instance, the reserve of any pseudo-solution x to the combined inequalities

[αΑ aα x bβ βΒ]


a, b, x – real numbers;
a, b, x – 実数;

– one of the signs <, ,
Ü – サイン<(£)のうちの1つ

can be defined as

R(x, [αΑ aα x bβ βΒ]) =

infαΑ, βΒ ((x - aα)/(|x|+2|aα|+1), (bβ - x)/(|x|+2|bβ|+1)).

R(x[Aaa x bb b B])= infa A、b B((x – アア溶岩)/(|x|+2|アア溶岩|+1)、(bb – x)/(|x|+2|bb|+1))。

Thus reserves provide arranging all pseudo-solutions. If there exists a pseudo-solution that has the maximal reserve, that may be called a super-pseudo-solution. An exact super-pseudo-solution may be called a super-solution, an inexact one is called a quasi-solution. The super-solution to the inequalities

a0 x a1 (6)


xs = 0.25 (((2 + 2|a0| + 2|a1| - |a0 + a1|)2 + 8|a0 + a1|)1/2

- 2 - 2|a0| - 2|a1| + |a0 + a1|) sign (a0 + a1).

xs = 0.25(((2 + 2つの|a0| + 2つの|a1| |a0 + a1|)2 + 8|a0 + a1|)1/2

– 2 – 2つの|a0| 2つの|a1| + |a0 + a1|)、署名してください(a0 + a1)。

If there exists a pseudo-solution that has the minimal reserve and is inexact, it may be called an anti-solution. The anti-solutions to the same inequalities (6) are

xA = – if a1 > |a0| or (a1 = |a0| and (6) has a form –|a0| < x |a0|);
a1ならばxA = \ > |a0| あるいは、(a1 = |a0| そして、(6)は形|a0を持ちます| < x£ |a0|);

xA = + if a0 < –|a1| or (a0 = –|a1| and (6) has a form –|a0| x < |a0|);
a0ならばxA = +\< |a1| あるいは、(a0 = |a1| そして、(6)は形|a0を持ちます| £x< |a0|);

xA = ± if a0 = –a1 and (6) has a form –|a0| < x < |a0| or –|a0| x |a0|.
a0 = a1と(6)が形|a0を持つならばxA =±\| < x< |a0| または|a0| £x£ |a0|。

If the set of pseudo-solutions is compact, super-quasi-solutions exist. They can be determined by the method of equalizing the partial reserves of a pseudo-solution to separate relations.

Estimations are often given by corresponding probabilities. It is possible to generalize the concept of a probability [10] that is locally logical because every elementary outcome gives either 0 (if it is not favorable) or 1 (if it is favorable). So a usual probability may be considered as a logical reserve that is equal to 1 for exact solutions and to 0 for inexact pseudo-solutions.
評価は、対応する可能性によってしばしばされます。あらゆる基本の結果が0(それが有利でないならば)か1(それが有利であるならば)を与えるので、地元で論理的である可能性[10]の概念を一般化することは、可能です。それで、普通の可能性は、正確な解決のための1まで、そして、不正確な偽解決のための0 まで等しい論理的蓄えと思われるかもしれません。

Let us consider the conditional probability P(s|p) that some pseudo-solution is an exact solution. When using uniform distributions on

(-, ) or (–π/2, π/2) c = arctan x,
(-\、 \)、あるいは、(p/2、 p/2)『c =逆正接関数x、

the probability of holding the following inequalities is:

x < a: P(s|p) = ½ + ½ a/ or P(s|p) = ½ + 1/π arctan a;
x<:P(s|p)= + a/\、あるいは、 P(s|p)= + 1/p逆正接関数;

x > a: P(s|p) = ½ – ½ a/ or P(s|p) = ½ – 1/π arctan a;
x > :P(s|p) =½ – ½ a/\、あるいは、 P(s|p) =½ – 1/p逆正接関数;

a0 < x < a1 : P(s|p) = ½ (a1a0)/ or P(s|p) = 1/π (arctan a1 – arctan a0).
a0< x< a1:P(s|p)は、=です(a1 – a0)/\、あるいは、 P(s|p)= 1/p(逆正接関数a1 – 逆正接関数a0)。

When using uniform distributions on

(-, ) or (–π/2, π/2) c = arctan x
(-\、 \)、あるいは、(p/2、 p/2)『c =逆正接関数x

corresponding to more sensitive reserves generalizing probabilities, the expected value of the reserve (5) of the inequalities (6) is
可能性を一般化しているより敏感な蓄えと一致して、不平等 (6)の予備(5)の期待値は、そうです

M R(x, a0 < x < a1) = (2π)-1 ×

i=0 1 (((-1)i + sign xs)ailn(1 + 2|ai|)/(1 + 2|ai| + 2ai2) -

0.25(1 + (-1)i (ai + 2ai|ai|)/(1 + 2|ai| + 2ai2)) +

(2π)-1(arctan xs)i=0 1 (sign xs - (ai + 2ai|ai|)/(1 + 2|ai| + 2ai2) +

(4π)-1i=0 1 (1 + ai sign xs + 2|ai|)ln((1 + xs2)/

(1 + 2|ai| + 2ai2))/(1 + 2|ai| + 2ai2).

M R(x(a0< x< a1))=(2p)-1 1i=0(((1)i +徴候xs)ailn(1 + 2つの|ミツユビナマケモノ|)/(1 + 2|ミツユビナマケモノ| + 2ai2) – 0.25(1 +(1)私(ミツユビナマケモノ+ 2ai|ミツユビナマケモノ|)/(1 + 2|ミツユビナマケモノ| + 2ai2は))+(2p)-1‖(逆正接関数xsは)1i=0は(xsを署名する – (ミツユビナマケモノ+ 2ai|ミツユビナマケモノ|)/(1 + 2|ミツユビナマケモノ| + 2ai2)+(4p)-1 1i=0(1 +ミツユビナマケモノ徴候xs + 2|ミツユビナマケモノ|)ln((1 + xs2)/(1 + 2|ミツユビナマケモノ| + 2ai2))/(1 + 2|ミツユビナマケモノ| + 2ai2)。

Besides that, the usual probability, initial and central moments [10] are not sensitive to the incompleteness of information. For example, each of them gives identical results when one ball is extracted from a box having white and black balls in equal or unknown portions. It is conditioned by the first power of probabilities (for discrete random variables) or of their densities (for continuous ones). Hence one may utilize (usual or normed) initial and centra1 moments for which this power is not equal to 1.





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