Presentation of the
General Linear Strength Theory (GLST)
© Ph. D. & Dr. Sc. Lev Gelimson
Academic Institute for Creating Fundamental Sciences (Munich, Germany)
Strength and Engineering Journal
of the “Collegium” All World Academy of Sciences
Munich (Germany)
10 (2010), 1
This report is dedicated to the memory of my dear teacher,
Academician Georgy Stepanovich Pisarenko,
to the 100th anniversary of his birthday
G. S. Pisarenko Institute for Problems of Strength
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
is unique in strength science development.
Scientific schools of
• Academician G. S. Pisarenko who created and
developed this Institute as its first director,
• his successor Academician V. T. Troshchenko,
• Academician A. A. Lebedev,
• and their prominent colleagues
are well-known
• Linearity provides extreme simplicity, usability, & further
investigation & development possibilities
• Generalization & applicability range determination
of known linear strength criteria, e.g.
• greatest normal stress criterion (Galilei, Rankine)
- σc ≤ σ3 ≤σ1 ≤ σt
• greatest normal strain criterion (Mariotto, de Saint-Venant)
σ3 - ν(σ1 + σ2) ≥ - σc , σ1 - ν(σ2 + σ3) ≤ σt (ν is Poisson's ratio)
• greatest shear stress criterion (Tresca)
σe = σ1 - σ3 ≤ σL
• the same with a uniform term (a is a constant) (Davidenkov)
σe = σ1 - σ3 + a(σ1 + σ2 + σ3) ≤ σL
• single-shear strength theory (Coulomb, Mohr)
σe = σ1 - ασ3 ≤ σt (α = σt / σc)
Yu’s twin-shear unified strength theory (b is a constant)
σe = σ1 - α(bσ2 + σ3)/(1 + b) ≤ σt
if σ2 ≤ (σ1 + ασ3)/(1 + α)
σe = (σ1 + bσ2)/(1 + b) - ασ3 ≤ σt
if σ2 ≥ (σ1 + ασ3)/(1 + α)
Its piecewise linear strength criteria family provides
• considering σ2 (σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ σ3), + (σ, σ, σ), relation (τL , σt , σc)
• fitting strength test data on many materials
• implementing in commercial simulation programs
• Constructive philosophy
Principles of
• tolerable simplicity,
• unity,
• universality, etc.
• Elastic mathematics
Fundamental data processing methods
correcting and generalizing
• the relative error and
• the least square method
which both have many lacks of principle
• general theory of stresses reduced to individual limits
σj° = σj / |σjL| (j = 1, 2, 3)
which are reciprocal individual reserves with signs
• universality principles for σj° & strength criteria in σj°
• general theories of considering σ2 , + (σ, σ, σ), relation (τL , σt ,
σc), anisotropy, & loading variability via vectorial σj°
• general theory of complex equivalent stresses σe , σe°
which can take negative and imaginary values, too,
with introducing |σe| , |σe°|
• stress sign unification in mechanics & geomechanics
via introducing pressures
p = - σ , p1 = - σ3 , p2 = - σ2 , p3 = - σ1 , p1 ≥ p2 ≥ p3
2D diagrams of 3D (limiting) stresses & pressures
x , y , z (σ1 = σ2 = σ3)
σm = (σ1 + σ2 + σ3)/3
-pm = - (p1 + p2 + p3)/3
σd = pd = (σx2 + σy2)1/2
By no rotational symmetry: any section, σd‘= σdσdL‘/σdL
• general reserve theory: n = σdL/σd
both by constant σm if σm ≤ 0
and by the constant direction to the origin if σm ≥ 0
σe° = a0 + a1σ1° + a2σ2° + a3σ3° +
Σi=1N b1i|c00i + c11iσ1° + c21iσ2° +
c31iσ3° + b2i|c02i + c12iσ1° + c22iσ2° + c32iσ3° + … + bHi|c0Hi +
c1Hiσ1° + c2Hiσ2° + c3Hiσ3°|| ... | ≤ 1 (with moduli nesting)
σe° = a0 + a1σ1° + a2σ2° + a3σ3° +
Σi=1N bi|c0i + c1iσ1° + c2iσ2° + c3iσ3°| ≤ 1.
By strength data scatter, N = 0 & N = H = 1 suffice
• Exhaustivity methodologically important
• Convenience & excluding mistakes due to a general method of
representing piecewise functions via unified (single) formulae
by any real-number functions and nesting levels H of moduli
Very particular cases
• Tresca’s criterion: σe = (|σ1 - σ2| + |σ2 - σ3| + |σ3 - σ1|)/2 ≤ σL
• Yu’s twin-shear unified strength theory: σe = ((2 + b)σ1 + (1 -
α)bσ2 - α(2 + b)σ3 + b|σ1 - (1 + α)σ2 + ασ3|)/(2 + 2b) ≤ σt
• Initial form (with constants aj):
σe° = a0 + a1σ1° + a2σ2° + a3σ3° ≤ 1
• Final form (with any real constant a):
σe° = σ1° + aσ2° - σ3° ≤ 1
• Correction of the universalization of Tresca’s
criterion due to adding the simplest particular case of
f(σ2°) with f(0) = 0
• For any strength criterion
σe° = F(σ1°, σ2°, σ3°) ≤ 1
possibly nonlinear, its correction is
σe° = F(σ1°, σ2°, σ3°) + f(σ2°) ≤ 1
• Pyramidal form of the limiting surface
adequate by a > 0
• Generalizing σe , σe° with using values
σe , σe° < 0 if necessary
• Considering σ2 , + (σ, σ, σ), & relation (σt , σc)
• Predefined relation (τL , σt , σc):
1/τL = 1/σt + 1/σc (τL = σL/2 if σt = σc = σL)
like the Coulomb-Mohr (Tresca) strength criterion
• Monotonic dependence of σe , σe° on σ2 , σ2°
contradicting some strength criteria and
available strength test data on many materials
σe° = σ1° - σ3° ≤ 1
• σe = σ1 - σ3 ≤ σc if σ1 ≤ 0
like a model material with σtm = σcm = σLm = σc
• σe = σ1 - ασ3 ≤ σt (α = σt / σc) if σ3 ≤ 0 ≤ σ1
the Coulomb-Mohr linear criterion, applicability domain
• σe = σ1 - σ3 ≤ σt if σ3 ≥ 0
like a model material with σtm = σcm = σLm = σt
Remark. Pure one-modulus criteria give nothing
new by a = 0 and lead to limited both σttt and
σccc with contradicting known strength tests
σe°= a1σ1°+ a2σ2°+ a3σ3°+ b|c1σ1°+ c2σ2°+ c3σ3°| ≤ 1
(initial homogeneous form)
Key role of
• sign[τL/σt - σc/(σt + σc)], or
• sign(τL/σL - 1/2) by σt = σc = σL ,
with b = τL(σt + σc)/(σtσc) - 1
Final form
σe° = (1 - (τL(σt + σc)/(σtσc) - 1)|c1|)σ1° +
aσ2° - (1 - (τL(σt + σc)/(σtσc) - 1)|c3|)σ3° +
(τL(σt + σc)/(σtσc) - 1)|c1σ1° + c2σ2° + c3σ3°| ≤ 1
• For materials with τL/σt = σc/(σt + σc)], or
τL/σL = 1/2 by σt = σc = σL ,
there are additional strength criteria
using any c1 and c3 with c1c3 ≤ 0 and any b
Initial nonhomogeneous form
σe° = a0 + a1σ1°+ a2σ2° + a3σ3° +
b|c0 + c1σ1°+ c2σ2°+ c3σ3°| ≤ 1,
for such materials only, additional criteria
- bc0 + (1 - bc1)σ1° + a2σ2° + (-1 - bc3)σ3° +
b|c0 + c1σ1° + c2σ2°+ c3σ3°| ≤ 1
Homogeneous shears powers
(generalizing Hosford’s criterion) (k > 0)
σe = [a13(σ1 - σ3)k + a12(σ1 - σ2)k + a23(σ2 - σ3)k]1/k ≤ σL (k > 0).
Uniaxial tension and compression give
σe = {a(σ1 - σ3)k + (1 - a)[(σ1 - σ2)k + (σ2 - σ3)k]}1/k ≤ σL
Pure shear (σ1° = τL/σLt , σ2° = 0 , σ3° = -τL/σLc) gives (k ≠ 1)
σe° = {(σLtkσLck/τLk - σLtk - σLck)/[(σLt + σLc)k - σLtk - σLck](σ1° - σ3°)k +
[(σLt + σLc)k - σLtkσLck/τLk]/[(σLt + σLc)k - σLtk - σLck][(σ1°- σ2°)k + (σ2° - σ3°)k]}1/k ≤ 1
n = 2:
σe° = {[σLtσLc/(2τL2) - (σLt2 + σLc2)/(2σLtσLc)](σ1° - σ3°)2 +
[(σLt2 + σLc2)/(2σLtσLc) - σLtσLc/(2τL2)][(σ1°- σ2°)2 + (σ2° - σ3°)2]}1/2 ≤ 1
Additionally σLt = σLc = σL :
σe° = {[σL2/(2τL2) - 1](σ1° - σ3°)2 + [2 - σL2/(2τL2)][(σ1°- σ2°)2 + (σ2° - σ3°)2]}1/2 ≤ 1
Critical particular cases of τL/σL
• τL/σL = 1/2, a = 1:
σe° = σ1° - σ3° ≤ 1 (Tresca’s criterion)
• τL/σL = 1/31/2, a = 1/2:
σe° = {[(σ1° - σ3°)2 + (σ1° - σ2°)2 + (σ2° - σ3°)2]/2}1/2 ≤ 1
the Huber-von Mises-Hencky criterion
• τL/σL = 1/21/2, a = 0:
σe° = [(σ1° - σ2°)2 + (σ2° - σ3°)2]1/2 ≤ 1
σe° = [∑i=0N aiPi(σ1n°, σ2n°, σ3n°)]1/N ≤ 1
where N is a positive integer,
Pi(x, y, z) are homogeneous symmetric
polynomials of power i
N = 2:
σe° = [σ1n°2 + σ2n°2 + σ3n°2 - a(σ1n°σ2n° + σ1n°σ3n° + σ2n°σ3n°) +
bf°(σ1n° + σ2n° + σ3n°)]1/2 ≤ 1
where function f = 0 by standard tests
Piecewise linear function f(σ1 + σ2 + σ3) =
• σ1 + σ2 + σ3 + σLc if σ1 + σ2 + σ3 ≤ -σLc ,
• 0 if -σLc ≤ σ1 + σ2 + σ3 ≤ σLt ,
• σ1 + σ2 + σ3 - σLt if σ1 + σ2 + σ3 ≥ σLt .
Limiting surface type
• paraboloidal by nonzero f
• ellipsoidal by zero f and -2 < a < 1
• cylindric by zero f and a = 1 (Huber-von
• hyperboloidal by zero f and a > 1
• The general formulae unification
method using moduli simply represents
real-number functions piecewise
• Stresses reduced to their individual
limits are universal and suitable for
strength data processing
• Strength criteria in the reduced stresses
can be universal mechanical laws of
Relation between shear & normal strengths
Influence of σ2 and pressure on strength
• Considering this relation and this influence
should and can be independently provided
• For considering this relation critical for
selecting strength criteria form, simple linear
(with one modulus) and quadratic functions
usually suffice
• For considering this influence, adding simple
functions (vanishing by standard tests) either
of σ2 or, for symmetry, of σ1 + σ2 + σ3 suffices
• Quadratic strength criteria with linearly
considering this influence provide paraboloidal
limiting surfaces
• uses suitable single formulae
possibly with moduli
• has clear physical sense
• exhaustively represents and generalizes all the
piecewise linear strength criteria
• determines their applicability domains
• correctly considers material science phenomena
• provides generally representing and processing
test data
• fits strength test data on materials very different
• provides initial strength criteria for fundamental
material strength science