2000 MSC primary 00A05; sec. 00A69, 00A71, 03E99


Quantiintervals and Semiquantiintervals (Essential)



© Ph. D. & Dr. Sc. Lev Gelimson

Academic Institute for Creating Fundamental Sciences (Munich, Germany)


RUAG Aerospace Services GmbH, Germany


Mathematical Journal

of the "Collegium" All World Academy of Sciences

Munich (Germany)


5 (2005), 2



          Quantiintervals and directed ones of any (e.g. infinite and/or negative) length with any quantities of their bounds are particular quantisets. To briefly write many results of the same type, we shall introduce the initial and final semiquantiintervals (combining them) and a general notation of their brackets.

Definition 1.  An initial and a final semiquantiintervals are symbol combinations of the forms )qa T and T rb(, respectively, where the bounds a and b and their quantities q and r belong to a uninumber set S, the brackets ) and ( are any [possibly the same] elements of the set {] , | , [}, and the extension T is an ordered subset of S.

Definition 2. A quantiinterval as the commutative quantiunion of an initial semiquantiinterval and a final one, both having a common extension, say )qa T rb) =° )qa T ° T rb) =° T rb) ° )qa T , is a quantiset containing both the ordinary set ]a T b[ T of all intermediate uninumbers  t T , for which either a < t < b or a > t > b, and each bound with its own quantity multiplied by 0 [always for a , b T], 1/2, or 1 in accordance with the adjacent bracket [with it, a bound has to be preserved even if its quantity vanishes: (01 T     °    (02 T    °    (0# T    ]:

]qa T =° ]a T ; if a T , |qa T =° q/2a° ]a T , [qa T =° qa° ]a T ;

T rb[ =° T b[ ; if b T , T rb| =° T b[ ° r/2b , T rb] =° T b[ ° rb .

Corollary 3. The rearrangement of the bounds with their quantities by preserving the relative orientation of each bracket with reference to the adjacent bound of a quantiinterval does not affect it:

)qa T rb)    =°   (rb T qa(   ,    say    [qa T rb|    =°    |rb T qa].

Definition 4. Open, some partially open (partially closed), in particular, half-open (half-closed), and closed quantiintervals of zero length are for a T (for a T they all are empty 0# ):

]a T a[ =°-1a ; |a T a[ =° ]a T a| =° -1/2a ; |a T a] =° [a T a| =° 1/2a ;

[a T a[ =° |a T a| =° ]a T a] =° 0a =° 0# ; [a T a] =° 1a =° {a}.

Definition 5.  For any a , b , q , r R°, T {R , R°}:

(1) a real quantiinterval is )qa , rb( =° )qa R rb( , say a symmetric half-open real quantiinterval |a , b| =° 1/2a  ° ]a , b[ ° 1/2b ;

(2) a quantireal quantiinterval is )qa rb( =° )qa R° rb( , say

)a b(=° °d )a , b(d [d the monad of d];

(3) the following quantireal semiquantiintervals with a b to be combined are [a+, a- positive and negative submonads of a]:

[a=° {a} ° a° ]a ,°  ;     |a =° |a =° 1/2a° a+ ° ]a ,° ;

]a =° a° ]a ,° ;                             , °b] =° , °b[° b° {b} ;

, ° b| =° , °b| =° , °b[ ° b° 1/2b ;                  ,° b[ =° , °b[ ° b- .

Definition 6. A directed quantiinterval, say )qa T rb) [the italic brackets, a the origin, b the end, q and r the quantities of these bounds], is a quantiset that consists of the elements of its generating quantiinterval )qa T rb) [the relative orientation of each bracket with reference to the adjacent bound is preserved] with the same (opposite) quantities if a b (a > b , respectively): 

)qa T rb) =° )qa T rb) if a b,       )qa T rb) =° -1)qa T rb) if a > b .

Corollary 7. The rearrangement of the distinct bounds with their own quantities by preserving the relative orientation of each bracket with reference to the adjacent bound of a directed quantiinterval implies its additive inversion: 

)qa T rb)    =°    -1(rb T qa(   ,    say    [qa T rb|     =°    -1|rb T qa].

Notation 8. The complete algebraic additivity of a quantiset correspondence formally applies to the semiquantiintervals, quantiintervals, and directed quantiintervals, say: 

f (|a,) = f(1/2a) + f(]a ,) = 1/2f(a) + f(]a ,).

The introduced quantiintervals and directed ones both based on semiquantiintervals apply to information and other problems.